Bald Heads, Sexless Beds, and the Shunning of the Liberal Left

So far, I’ve seen first-person boasts or acts of–meaning they have filmed themselves and shared their own humiliation with the world–these things.

  • Women shaving their heads.
  • A woman live streaming having her tubes tied in response to the election.
  • A woman knocking on doors with Trump flags to spit on the owners faces.
  • A woman gathering her used tampons to throw at people she believed to be Trump supporters.
  • Women declaring they will abstain from sex.
  • A young woman and her husband sharing through tears that they have decided not to have children ever…she will be 36 in 4 years and so the window is closed in her mind.
  • I saw a woman film herself yelling at her own white children because their dad voted for Trump and not Harris.
  • Countless volumes of crying, shrieking, hysterical meltdowns on TikTok.
  • There was a woman who gave her contractor a horrible Yelp review, though the work was long-since and satisfactorily completed, because they were Trump supporters. She was very proud she had cost he and his family 2 jobs in their small community. What a horrible woman.
  • I saw a white woman sobbing about she’s never leaving her house again…how could she when there’s no way to tell who a Trump supporter in public is. Obviously. We will be the ones with hair…likely smiling.
  • People are severing ties with family and friends, children cutting off parents from their grandchildren…parents disinviting adult children to holidays.

I feel silly clarifying this, but if you’re googling recipes to poison others, induce your own miscarriage or otherwise harm anyone as a response to the election…YOU’RE NOT THE GOOD GUY HERE.

These are not the actions of happy warriors. You have lost the plot. We can justify vile and violent things when have been deceived by the enemy. But, in the Name of Jesus–STOP IT.

And it’s not just the civilians. What are we to make of Governors Pritzker, Hochul, Newsome, et al declaring their states are defying “whatever is to come…” as though they don’t have constituents who voted for Trump. Hey gang, your constituents were very much aware of Trump’s platform and promises and they chose it on purpose. You do not get to override their wishes. It feels a little “dictatory” right?

How is this not the party of “He’s a threat to democracy!” disenfranchising their own voters? (There’s no way. It absolutely is.)

Worse still…the revelation that FEMA did in fact purposely avoid giving aid to and meeting the needs of hurricane victims who were Trump supporters.

These are not the response of sane, rational, or mature people. None of the above are ways wise people respond to trials or suffering. And friends, at this point they are not even responding to current trials or suffering. They are responding to the mere fear of suffering. Pull it together, people.

But the coping wasn’t a whole lot better when victory was theirs. I remember Melissa Moore tweeting that she had cried for 8 hours straight in relief after Biden won in 2020. To which I responded, ” This is not an appropriate adult response to anything.” Because it isn’t.

The Democratic Party did this.

Even if worse case scenarios were reasonable or likely, who would purposely extinguish strength or resilience in the public?

I shared this in a post last week, “Rogan, Rally, Revolutions, Oh My!”

How do they walk this back the 6th?

The answer is that they move on to vacation homes and million dollar speaking tours. And won’t give it another thought. Not a single other thought given about how they fanned the flames, unrest, and division…for a season, for a purpose…pulled at the already frayed threads of our country and then walked away.

They excuse themselves from the cost and consequences of years and months of lying and gaslighting. They are okay with making people afraid and fragile and then leaving it unresolved–leaving everyone and everything simmering to a boil when a simple “We were wrong” would reduce the heat. They are okay with the coming movie quality meltdowns, sincere panic attacks, fraught relationships, and unnecessary division. The public has served their purpose, sort of. On to the next useful drama and trauma they lead us.”


This should bother the hell out of you. It should bother you that unworthy people have so much influence, that people are so fragile, and that this is done on purpose for political gain. It should bother that all of this is done while admonishing the right to be “mindful in this tender season.”

As a behavior interventionist, let me tell you–this madness isn’t in response to thoughtless boasting by the opposition. It is in response to emotional abuse by your own party. It is the completely predictable fruit of the climate of chaos cultivated by the left. Friend, if you are displaying the behavior of the mentally unstable now, you were not mentally stable before.

If your compass is so broken that right cannot be discerned from wrong–find one person who strongly opposes you, submit to their wisdom, and ask them to guide you out of the dark.

To those observing aghast from afar–those who can call this out should. Clarity has been God’s kindness to you. Walk in it. Only a fool would remain a fog He has lifted. Don’t you ever feel bad again about rejecting this insanity for you and your family. Do not entertain it. Do not accomodate it. Do not assign beauty or wisdom to the spectacle of it. This is neither wise or beautiful. These are the hissing priestesses of old.

Why on earth would we board up our business to prepare for a riot, be the brunt of this abuse, have our children see this mess on social media or from their teachers at school…and vote any other way again.

No one has ever feared the unhinged responses of conservatives lashing out at children or random people in public. No conservatives shaved their heads or sterilized themselves in protest in 2020. Remember that.

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