Bitter Feminists Dusting Off Pink “Cat Hats” After CNN Townhall
Nothing warms my cold, reptilian heart more than imagining the absolute rage building among leftist women as they pull their pink, crocheted, uterus hats (or whatever weird anatomy those were supposed to resemble) out of storage, realizing another Women’s March (of defeat) will be their only comfort come November.
Buy your tickets now, ladies! Travel is expensive with this short of notice and you may need to check an extra bag if you intend to keep your handmaid’s cloak and bitter bonnets looking fresh and crisp.
Don’t you know calls were made after yet another disastrous public appearance by Earth Mother Mamala?
Not even “Vanderson” Cooper could save her, though he shamelessly tried…as she shamelessly tried to paint a target on Trump. Seriously, ten minutes in and I turned to my husband and said, “They want him dead.” Inexcusable.
Somebody do a well-check at all the houses with a “My Body, My Choice” sign proudly in the yard. Maybe drop a hint, “Iceberg ahead, Captain!” The S.S. Resistance is sinking fast.
And frankly is more than deserving of every last dying splish and splash. I’m with you J.K. Rowling. I’m the most virulently anti-feminist person I know, and I am more of a feminist than today’s feminists.
How can a women’s libber not see the hypocrisy that’s been forced upon them by their own identity politics?
I’ve never burned a bra or dressed as an abortion pill for Halloween, but even I know men masquerading as women…pretending to have the same experiences as me, mutilating and contorting their bodies to be something they were never made to be…and then whipping my a** in volleyball is surely not what the suffragettes had in mind when marching for women’s rights.
I don’t have cats or a “COEXIST” sticker on my Subaru (which I also don’t have) but I feel fairly certain once verifiably unwell men living a mockery of life as women, having surrogates carry the burden and blessing of a child to simply hand them over so the most gross “delivery photos” can be staged in hospitals…or having men crowned as Woman of the Year wasn’t what Gloria Steinem envisioned as equality.
This cause was always headed towards inevitable doom. Causes rooted in pride always are.
I laugh, though it’s more sad than funny, every time I see a progressive woman close their post with or carry the sign of “Country Over Party.” Encouraging other women to think sacrificially and wisely, just this once. Ha! I think they’ve grossly overestimated the loyalty I feel to any party and definitely overestimated their own sacrificial wisdom.
Country over party, people? Hair would be lit on fire if I carried a sign saying, “Country Over Body.” In fact, I may dig out my sharpies and make a few just to see what happens. This actually is the conversation we should be having.
How are we not addressing the selfishness of being willing to tank a nation, economically, socially, and militarily so that one can retain bodily autonomy–that they always and already had?
You want to ask that I place country over party? Done. I am. Now I ask that you place country over body.
Can we acknowledge that your right to an extreme option, that you may or may not ever take…when less extreme options abound, should not guarantee the decline of the US?
Can we acknowledge that abortion is not reproductive healthcare? It’s not. There is nothing reproductive or healthy about it. It’s death. Regardless the reason, taking innocent life is always the result. Regardless the law, you are not entitled to wrong things.
How can the people most adamant about abortion access be the least informed about the laws? We are every bit as extreme as we swear we aren’t. Late-term. Without limits. Harvesting? Clump of cells? What horror show is this? Abortion should come with gravity and cost. It should not be dispensed like Pez to children on their school campuses without telling mom.
Aside from the agreeably tragic slivers of assault or abuse that result in pregnancy, the overwhelming majority of pregnancies terminated through abortions are elective responses to elective behavior. OVERWHELMINGLY. It’s been a few years since I’ve debated on this, but within the last 5 years the data from Guttmacher Institute showed this:
If the only abortions in the US were for cases of rape/incest, due to catastrophic abnormality or health of the mother, from 1973 to today… 24,000 babies would have been aborted. *Nationwide*
We have aborted 60,000,000 babies since 1973.We left safe, rare and necessary behind 59,976,000 lives ago.