DNC Night 3: Pelosi, Policies, and Porn-Pirates
DNC Night 3–
What’s there to say? It’s the Twilight Zone. Truly. It amazes me how little integrity or honesty is demanded from our leaders. There’s no fact-checking to be done, except for on the embellishments and exaggerations about personal lives. Which was vast.
But there was no policy, no plan, no numbers to refute or explain. There was zero recognition or acknowledgment that Dems have been in charge 12 of the last 16 years or all of the last 3.5.
You would think the GOP is in office this very minute for all the blathering about the “hope and change” needed in the nation. I don’t know what to tell you. They are not serious people, but they are seriously evil. They are liars and sometimes they lie with lying celebrities and a DJ. Fancy.
Everything about the left is artificial and fake. But I want to be SO CLEAR ON THIS–it is not immaturity, stupidity, or ignorance. We are so far past there being any question about intentions. This is purposeful and wicked.
We could go over an exhaustive list of the whoppers told last night but I think this one example is sufficient.
Let me translate, “book banning” = parents and adults who do not want explicit sexual content available to children at school. OR ANYWHERE.
The party that has targeted children, as we learned this week has allowed the trafficking of hundreds of thousands of unaccounted-for children, trans’d children, dragged children, and aborted children…acts like not wanting porn in school libraries is an attack on literacy and liberty.
That about sums up the DNC. They lie. Then project.
I had included pictures in my post from the books us neanderthals want to ban…they were removed by FB and my page was suspended.
And let’s talk about the dazzling celebrity class that is supposed to sway you. Bill Clinton. Oprah. Nancy Pelosi. Buttigieg? Maren Morris? Really? America’s sweetheart that one.
Why not drag Rachel Ziegler out of whatever cave she has been relegated to while America deals with our unfortunate “snow whiteness?” Did y’all not google any of these people? Epstein, Weinstein, wildfires, Oh my! Maui kazaui.
If this was the level of love you were going for you coulda had Harry and Megan for what I understand are bargain basement prices.
We should have serious conversations about who our heroes are and why.
The left wreaks of condescension, incompetence, and inconsistency. Like Walz trying to “Yale-shame” Vance. WTH? That’s the dig?? He succeeded? They say they want opportunity and people from every walk to succeed and then hate them when they do. Make it make sense.
Why do they do that? Buttigieg went to Harvard. But he’s okay? Totally incompetent in his job and guilty of creating cringe “new mom” photos when he and his husband absolutely did not just birth a baby…y’all got no words on that? How come it’s okay for him to be weird and go to an Ivy league school?
Because merit doesn’t matter. Character doesn’t matter. Efficiency, competency, credibility, normalcy doesn’t matter. They prop up idiots on the daily…google Sec. of Commerce being unfamiliar with Labor Dept. numbers. Jobs aren’t the only things lost, lady.
You would think intersectionality and DEI doctrines determine the winners in their weird world. Not so. Those are useful tools but not guiding principles. In the same way the environment, women, etc…all useful tools but not causes they truly care about.
No, it’s power. Power is the only motivator for who is allowed at the table and who is not. Willing, blind, loyalists who can help maintain power are the most desirable candidates by far.
Education? Crisis. Economy? Crisis. National security? Seriously…need you ask? Crisis. Other nations are sending spy balloons, and whole battalions here for us to clothe and feed. All while buying our land, having separate police forces here to intimidate their own citizens abroad. And Mao Tse Walz is on stage constantly bowing like a subservient geisha.
Y’all. We still have 5 hostages held in Gaza…since OCTOBER. We have zero influence and are not a deterrent to anyone anywhere. But look…here’s celebrities. Vacuous, immoral, annoying celebrities. See how cool we are?
No published platform yet. No policy papers. No positions being shared except the ones KaHa is abandoning. No interviews. No primary votes won. No debate anymore…
We have a puppet as POTUS, who they threatened to oust with the 25th, but now it’s fine, he’s fine? Nothing on the schedule, no business being done…until January.
We had a recent assassination attempt and murder of a civilian citizen that we know nothing about yet. So yeah…pardon me if I’m not sufficiently impressed by a mouthy Natalie Maines singing the anthem. I’m from West Texas, mi amigos. I was around for the South Plains JuCo years, the bad haircuts, and my husband had the fam in his band and choir. Buy my groceries or secure my border. Then I will swoon.