Evangelicals Encouraged to Kindly and Compassionately Vote for Communists
I would honestly feel cheated if we went through another election cycle and a godless, pagan culture wasn’t telling me how to live more like Jesus.
It’s one of my favorite ironies of our “Sodom & Gomorrah Era”–those who have ushered in all manner of perversion and forced it upon the country and the world, from the elders that we should clearly be “discarding” to free up space…to our now genderless babes in cradles raised in confusion and chaos…you…YOU are going to define kindness and compassion for ME? Because YOU care so much about MY SOUL? YOU are going to tell ME how the Jesus you reject, the Jesus I worship and serve, would vote? What ghouls.
Well, kindly…no, thank you. Compassionately, in the words of Peter to the last guy who tried to identify with and “invest” in the Church for power and personal gain, “May you and your money go to Hell…Go away and repent.” (It’s in there, simmer down. I taught on it last week. Acts 8.)
“Souls to the Polls,” Kamala? Really.
Speaking of ironies, I know the left has done “Souls to the Polls” for 60+ years to motivate black churches and so I ask those in the pews, “How’s that going for you?”
How has the Democratic Party improved minority areas in minority cities? How is the reading and math proficiency of students in blue cities and states? The rioters and looters that destroyed businesses, neighborhoods, and livelihoods in 2020, under the banner of equity, were those mostly white suburbs or urban areas? Who operated many of those small businesses that were torched or taken over? I know we don’t dare discuss the late, great Elijah Cummings, but statistically, he managed the decline of his Baltimore district for decades. The people who admired him for his civil rights record are the same people he legislatively abandoned in squalor while moving on up on their dimes.
I would ask about the benefits that Black Lives Matter (Hey Marxists, hey!) has brought to the black community, but I believe they are facing indictment for fraud as we speak. All those millions of dollars flowing in in the name of George Floyd? Do you know how much his family saw of that? Zero. His roommates had to raise their own money to have his car and personal things hauled off. That money went to luxury properties around the country, cars, trips, etc. In fact, what is left of Black Lives Matter did not endorse Kamala because even they rejected the “primary process.”
Kamala encouraged congregants to vote to “reject hate and chaos.” Who caused the hate and the chaos, Kamala? If it was Trump, then y’all were entirely ineffective in your governance if it could be corrected none. Your promises and “work” in the community was entirely empty and in vain if just 4 years of Trump could undo everything. But we know that’s not true. Even Kamala with Brett Baier in her infamous Fox interview, acknowledged “our system is broken and it was broken even before Trump.”
Amen, sister. It absolutely was.
Immigration was broken. The economy was broken. Education was broken. Race relations were broken. Global sovereignty, national security, local safety? Broke down. The schools…the family…the child…the mind…broken by the left.
Barack Obama’s reign was so successful, at the earliest possible chance, America voted in record numbers for his anathema. And yet, here we are, being told by the predatory party how to live and pray in a way that allows them to continue to live and prey off of us. Just tremendous. The party that crushes societies and cultures only to swoop in and offer themselves as “gracious saviors,” trying to do so in the name of Jesus Christ? No, thank you, Comrade. I have One Savior and He is plenty.
No. I will not be controlled by the throwing around of “Acts” and adjectives they know nothing about. The left is not kind or compassionate. I will not be cajoled into conformity with wickedness in the name of “unity.” Unity is overrated when coupled with communism, socialism, Marxism…or any ism. The thing that sorcerers and secularists posing as acolytes will never understand because their “religion” is rooted in the pride of man and not the power of Christ, HOLINESS is our highest calling. HOLINESS. Not tolerance, not kindness, compassion, or unity…I am bound to none of these things as the world defines them. Not even peace as the world sees it is my aim.
We are not looking for saviors, defenders, or providers among men. We simply need freedom, and quite honestly, we don’t even need that. God is quite adept at wielding persecution for His purpose.
I do not want. I shall not fear. So, shutting up is highly unlikely as well.
When boiled down to bottom lines–the true Believer needs nothing from government. And that makes true Christians, like early Christians, unmanageable and dangerous. Make no mistake, trials will come. Friends, trials ARE HERE.
Our prayer remains the same as well.
In light of all of this, make us bolder and braver still. Amen?
Have I told you lately how much I enjoy your commentary?!? If not, I DO!!!
Oh! Bless you! Makes my day!
Oh man!!! Amen and Amen!!