Julia Roberts’ Anti-Woman Pro-Kamala Ad

Yikes. The danger to being surrounded by “yes” people is that you can come to the foolish conclusion that every idea had, is surely a good one. Luckily, there is reality and the internet to keep us all humble.

This was a terrible idea. In the latest Kamala Harris “Get Out the Vote” ad, Julia Roberts lends her voice to a commercial depicting a woman with an obnoxious, overbearing husband headed into the voting booth. Julia kindly informs us all that voting is a private issue and can be kept secret from others…especially from middle-aged, white, husbands with an expectation of compliance in their happy home.

All the talk about who says and thinks what and about whom this week…and no one is bothered or offended by the left’s assumption that women need to be secretive about their vote lest their husband find out?

Who hurt you, Vivian?!  Edward came back in a limo with flowers and a sincere passion for prostitutes! I thought this was the happy ending every little girl should hope for! No? Is it possible?! Could it be?! Hollywood heroes and heroines pale in comparison to real people in real life?! The marriages of movies and celebrities are often weird distortions of relationships and realities of the peasants?! You don’t say. File this under “Things We’ve Known.” Not all of us are living in your dystopian handmaid’s tale. Is this how your marriages function?

Really think about what this ad reveals about how they see women. And men for that matter.

They don’t think we are capable of walking in confidence and conviction.

Is that right, Pretty Woman? Y’all don’t think we are able to live free of scorn or endure it without secrecy. Y’all think I need to be told that my vote is my business. ..that I can vote however I want? Like I wouldn’t have already known this?

Worse still, y’all think the only reason a woman would not vote in lock step with you and your agenda is because she’s surely domineered and intimidated BY A MAN?? Or because she is ignorant of her own autonomy or rights??

Progressives are the worst feminists ever. EVER. Condescending. Elitist. Oblivious. Basic…Hey Julia, I don’t need a secret hand signal or wink like a captive at the Quick Trip.

The greater danger to women is you.

The failing policies, the distortions of reality, the gaslighting, the dismantling of norms and families, the push to reject marriage, family, mothering…the cities left unsafe, the schools made unsafe by unhinged curriculums, teachers, and pushes to introduce sexuality to children… men in dressing rooms, in high school sports… the absolute deception and wickedness of portraying abortion as a celebratory right instead of a loss to be grieved and counseled. My God, is there any area of life and love where the left is not preying on women?

It’s sure not this area. Think about this–there really are women out there who feel intimidated and unheard, women who live with secrets for safety or sanity. Those women ARE OUT THERE, which makes this ad all the more disgusting. Women are out there feeling alone or absorbed into the wishes and ways of stronger personalities. And a million-dollar ad was made, not to give a skill or encouragement, not to give helpful language so a woman could be more confident or assertive, not to give resources for women in oppressive spaces and places. Oh no, no… it was to give a work around so that woman could still vote, serve their purpose, and return to a life of subservience.

There is a word for one who encourages secrets, silence, and subversion to a vulnerable person with the goal of maintaining cooperation or their compliance, rather than offering true help or a healthy relationship. The word is GROOMER.

I’m not voting for Kamala BECAUSE I am well-read, informed…moral, logical, sane…and capable of basic math. I’m not voting for Kamala BECAUSE I am in a healthy and rewarding marriage with a man who encourages me to question, to listen, and to speak boldly about my convictions. Have y’all read no data on women lately? Don’t you know that women are more often driving and shaping the political views of their families?? I’m not voting for Kamala BECAUSE I am a woman, wife, and a mother…because I have a daughter and a son.

I am not voting for Kamala BECAUSE I am impervious to being guilted, glammed, or goobered into a vote based on your gender, my gender, or some ratchet “influencers” who do not know me, like me, or care about me.

Gonna be a hard pass here BECAUSE I understand what abortion is and is not.

I know that “my choice” over “my body” begins in MY BRAIN–long before MY BEDROOM.


What does it say about your party and platform that you see it as something that may be embarrassing or may need to be kept a secret?

Has no one ever told you that “safe adults don’t ask others to keep secrets?” No mama ever told you that “true and right doesn’t need to be guarded by fibs and lies?” Ask your nannies. Or find your racist neighbor with a Trump flag and ask them. They’ll tell you. I would tell you to find a friend “of faith,” but it’s best you don’t…since this ad was created by an “Evangelical Progressive” PAC, Vote Common Good…a group with a goal of mobilizing people of faith. Yeah… don’t ask them. They are clueless. They clearly do not know.

What’s good and right should be shared in the light.

(Yes, I will be doing a separate post on Hey Salty Lady addressing the religious aspects. I have thoughts on this.)

No one on the right is encouraging wives to keep secrets…or kids to keep secrets from parents…or teachers to keep secrets with students. Erin Brockovich would fight you.

We should talk, Julia. I won’t tell anyone.

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