Kamala’s Record-Breaking Record
Be curious, people. Be inquisitive. The only thing Kamala’s record is…is B-A-D.
We have access to more information than we have ever had before and we only want to know less and less. Why would we ever just accept what is told to us by the least trustworthy people? On either side. Test everything from everyone.
There’s a reason she says, “I am the only one who has PROSECUTED…” so and so or such and such. It is because she cannot say, “I have TRIED…” or “I have CONVICTED…” The record and experience she touts as DA/AG is the same record and experience that make her oversight and contribution to our border all the more shameful. The criminals she prosecuted, though she didn’t necessarily successfully try or convict…oh she knew exactly who was coming across our border. I read her last report as CA AG. She knew firsthand the volume of drugs coming across, with whom, and how. She knew firsthand the trafficking that was happening.
Her experience and record should have made her the hands-down toughest defender of our nation’s border. And it didn’t. Really think about that. She does have a unique perspective and experience with the “transnational criminals” she loves to boast about. With all she had seen, she should have been the most capable, consistent Border Czar we ever had. And she wasn’t.
Her record is quite terrible–as a prosecutor, as attorney general, as a senator, and as the vice president. And I am not saying it first or the loudest, not by a long shot. The only people who think less of Kamala Harris than they do of Donald Trump, it’s not the misogynists or racists, it is law professors in and around California. They had thoughts. They wrote about them extensively from 2004-2019. They wrote about corruption, kickbacks, incompetence, arrogance, entitlement…Willy Brown, inappropriate appointments, campaign finance violations…it’s all out there if only our media would look.
There is a reason Kamala could never win the California primary in 2019. It was because of her record. It was so good she could not run on it and win. Her DA’s office had one of the most embarrassingly low conviction rates in the country. She was busted in a 2003 campaign when her opponent showed she had grossly inflated her record. “Hundreds of cases” was really more like eight.
She withheld exculpatory evidence from the wrongfully convicted. A crime lab was found to be compromised, and she tried to sit on the information until a judge forced her hand and 1,400 cases were dismissed. The media may be mum on the subject but you have the internet too. Ignored is not the same as concealed. If ever her true record sees the light of day, we will be so embarrassed that we were duped into letting her make it this far. In fact, in every interview or jibberish answer, every time you wonder how on earth a capable prosecutor can seem so awkward or out of it…remember this–it is because she never was a capable prosecutor. Her record proves it.
Do you really think the California Attorney General who “stared down cartel criminals” would need a chaperone to her first solo interview…after having been the vice president for a full term? Me neither.