Kamehla and Lotus Toes: The Interview

Did y’all see the interview with Kamehla and Lotus Toes? I did.

I say this as a mother in Texas…I have seen my daughter sit through tougher questioning in the pageant portion of twirling competitions. And heard better answers there as well.


Seriously, Dana Bash gave multiple-choice answers as she was giving the questions for crying out loud! “Why did your position change on fracking…was it because you realized compromise was necessary to govern or because you learned more about the industry?” I’m paraphrasing but it was essentially that.

“What are you going to do Day 1 to help the middle class?”

I’m gonna implement my plan. What we are gonna do is help the middle class. What we are gonna do is give relief because they are hurting.  What we are gonna do, Kaha?? How about we are gonna consider giving answers with supporting evidence and main ideas?? YOU WOULD FAIL THE STAAR TEST KAMALA.

It’s like if someone asked me how I was going to make sure my kids had a great summer and I responded with something like, “What we are gonna do is have a great time. What we are gonna do is do stuff.” Okie dokie. Should I buy tickets? Will it require a swimsuit? Do I need money? You making sammiches?? There was no meat on them bones.


The only two specifics given were in regard to a child tax credit and $25k for new homeowners. Those are low-hanging, low-info-voter fruit.

Very few object to someone saying they will give you stuff for free…except the people this does not apply to.

I am middle-class. I don’t need a new home. Where’s your plan that helps me? That doesn’t seem fair does it? How are you going to help the middle class that doesn’t have children? Or that already has a home?

FRACKING: The question was about KaHa saying in 2019 that she would ban fracking…Kamala’s response?

My position has not changed since 2020… “But now you changed your position to…” IN 2020

They want to keep track of only the time they want to keep track of and all else goes in the upside down. It was the exact same with her line about “This really began ten years ago when a former president…” Um…yeah. It did.

Ten years ago a former president was destroying the country–Barack Obama.


They have a unique and special start when they want to track inflation, a unique and special start date when they want to address border issues.


Come on, their go to response on the border debacle is to point to the bill that was not a bill and did not pass. I get it. The optics to the average observer make it an easy excuse to make.


But do remember that bipartisan border bill was THE BORDER ACT OF 2024. TWENTY TWENTY-FOUR. The border had been decimated at that point with nothing done that could have been done and every helpful thing undone. It’s like an arsonist lighting your house on fire every day for 3.5 years and letting it continue to burn and then after 3.5 years they offer you a single red solo cup of water to douse the now raging wildfire and when you swat it out of their hand and curse their mama…they brand you with “Well we tried to put the fire out and you chose not to.”

And pardon me if boasting of “Romney and Lindsey Graham supported it!” Mkay. That’s about one rung down the ladder from “Cheney and Kitzinger supported it!” I understand that many, even conservatives wanted to pass something, anything…to stop the hemorrhaging and were disappointed when nothing passed.

I however am of the opinion that most of our problems stem from passing half measures and pretending they are full measures–acting as though the insufficient is sufficient and giving ourselves a reason to nap and celebrate.



I timed the interview, and it ended at 9:48 PM. 18:12 was Kamala speaking.  10 minutes was commercials breaks. 4ish was Walz speaking. And every answer was thread bare and paper thin.


If you were a total stranger and approached me on the street and asked one question about any of the things I am passionate about or have core convictions about…The Bible, discipleship, behavior, learning, family, America…Better sit down and make time. These are the 4-5 hour conversations I can have standing on my head without notes, preparation, rehearsals, or a friggin’ chaperone.

We are knowledgeable and confident about the things we are passionate about.

Last night demonstrated Kamehla is 0 for 3 on this.

See the FULL RECAP in the link below.



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