Trump Returns to Washington

I do not want a dignified move forward. I do not want unity for the sake of it, for the comfort it brings to criminals, for the worries of the week it calms. The guilty should be afraid. The innocent should soon rejoice.

I want justice. I want accountability. I want a reckoning.

Let the healing begin…but not before the disease is cured. I want every infected, toxic wound inflicted on our country scraped over and exposed to white, hot, honest light. I want the sting of antiseptics and the killing off of antibiotics. I want whatever aggressive treatment is required to end the foolish infection we’ve been subjected to.  I want health over harmony. And then I want prevention.

Without shaming or penalty, there is no deterrence to ushering in the madness again.

Shame them into remorse if not repentance. Shame those who have degraded our nation’s security, those who have gained their wealth trading names, influence, and secrets at our expense. Shame those who have weakened our military, law enforcement…those who have made the sincere service of others an unwanted and ignoble profession.

Shame those who have destroyed the institutions of marriage and family, those who have traded the innocence of our children for the indulgent and insane ideologies of the wicked.


Shame those who traded the practical education of our children for perverse and political indoctrination.

Shame those who’ve celebrated the destruction and indignity heaped upon the unique creation of male and female bodies.

Shame those who deemed their arrogant “education” superior to the common sense of common men and women…those who look down on the love and instincts of parents, the mandates of the moral, and the goodness of God.


It’s not merely political differences of philosophical degrees of distinction. It is good and bad, right and wrong, moral and immoral. We must be clear about that and unapologetically so.

There should be consequences. There should be records of right and wrong. A pardon before the courts does not equate to a pardon before the throne.

Marxism must be killed at the roots. It opposes God in all ways and on all levels. Radicals must be relegated to places of irrelevance. The media must be tamed into truth-telling. Secrets must see the sun and sins must be confessed.

I do not want to forgive and forget. I want revealed, remembered, and repented of that we may never return again. I want us to truly learn from this that we may finally leave the era of calling evil good and good evil.

I do not need the promise of wealth or ease. I prefer righteous struggle. Burn the ships. Choose a side. Personal liberty requires personal responsibility. It will never be given by the wicked, it must be won by the good.


  1. Sharon on January 21, 2025 at 5:13 PM

    I share your beliefs! But how, when he’s employing all resources to ‘fix’ things so we can get going again, does he find the means to punish, etc.? Can we do this simultaneously without messing it all up?

  2. JoAnn Kathryn on January 21, 2025 at 8:29 PM

    Amen. Agree entirely.

  3. JoAnn Kathryn on January 21, 2025 at 8:36 PM

    Now is the time to clean & clear up all the lies & prosecutions Americans have endured since 2015 to today. The truth is waiting to be known. God, please let our country hear the truth & go forward to follow our Bill of Rights & Constitution.

  4. Sandra on February 6, 2025 at 4:33 AM

    So well said and written! My sentiments exactly…’s been far too long that the Marxists in this Country have infiltrated the Government from as far back as FDR and got real close with the assignations of JFK and his brother. Soon hopefully we’ll know the TRUTH on that score but in the meantime we must face it, recently those who want power, control, money and fear has had it since Obama and Bien, with the latter running the show behind the scenes. No doubt Obama stayed in Washington so he could run things when Biden’s brain started shutting down. No President has ever stayed in Washington after his terms in office, it’s traditional they go home to whatever state they are from. He’s still there! So close to the Capitol he could walk there if needs be and well…’s been Obama’s third term after all. Kamala Harris would have been our Nation’s complete downfall. China, Russia, North Korea…..would just walk right on in. THANK GOD IT DIDN’T HAPPEN. As for my State, California….it’s no doubt Ms. Harris will be vying for the Governor’s seat in two years and I’m so distraught over that. You think the fires in Los Angeles were horrific? Just wait, she’ll take over where Governor “Nuisance” and Mayor “Not Around for the Festivities” left off and finish the ruination of the “sunshine state”.

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