Girl Power Ain’t Got Nothing on God’s Power
Can I get a show of hands from all the girls not crying one single tear over not having a female president yet?
Or, those whose dreams and ambitions are not wilting and swooning because they don’t feel adequately reflected in the executive branch?
I’m betting that millions of women got up today and went to their jobs, their schools and tended to the work in their homes, feeling zero personal rejection as a female… because there may or not be a glass ceiling in the White House.
We have had female candidates for president before, and they didn’t lose because they were girls.
They lost because of relevant concerns about performance, personality, and policy. If you are wondering, yes—that is all the same reasons that men lose elections too.
But here we are being asked to cast another vote, and while not everybody…certainly some are pressuring us girls to vote in solidarity with our gender.
Now I don’t intend to be political, but I would like to acknowledge that even politics are deserving of a Biblical worldview.
And from a Biblical worldview, feminism is unnecessary for the Believer. We do not need a savior who can wear stilettos.
No man, no woman, no president, or boss could hold me back if they tried.
And, I say that as a woman with a degree in religion, who feels called to ministry, who’s married to a minister… in a Southern Baptist Church. So, I know a thing or two about gender equality, roles, and opportunities…or lack thereof.
So, I say again… I have the fire of God within me, HE alone determines my place and position.
I don’t need a title, audience, or affirmation to know I have value and influence in the world or Kingdom. I don’t need a woman who agrees or disagrees with every logical and lovely thing I know to be true, to blaze a trail for me.
Christ Himself, goes before me. I’m following His lead.
The idea of a glass ceiling in ANY area… denies the greatness of my God in EVERY area. Period.
And that, Salty Ladies, is good theology.
There is an arrogance in feminism that assumes dissatisfaction and malcontent. How could we possibly be content with what God has allowed and ordained for us in His sovereignty?
It assumes girls like me think we need to be saved…again. It assumes we feel marginalized because a female doesn’t represent us. It assumes that we can’t possibly be happy with our choices, because culture is not happy with our choices. I don’t think they understand that Christ represents me perfectly well and I, Him though infinitely poorer.
Feminism assumes little girls aren’t reaching for the stars, or heavens because a woman didn’t get there first. Feminism assumes that I can’t be gender blind and appreciate valor, hard work, and bravery… in ANY form.
Give a girl some credit.
Give credit for having historical perspective, a grasp of economics, core values, and a deeply held faith. Consider that those things are determining our votes. Not anatomy.
We’ve watched feminism twist, contort, and contradict its way from “Girl Power” to “Men can have abortions.” While God has given dignity, beauty, and opportunity even within the confines of a fallen world.
Elevating or adoring a woman simply because she is a woman, is not noble or brave. It is sexist. And, strong, smart women should be offended it’s expected of them.
Absolutely 🧂🧂🧂
All this !
My hands are up