Happy “Full-On Rebellion and Boast in Identity Apart From Christ” Month!

Happy “Full-On Rebellion and Boast in Identity, Right, and Privilege Apart from Christ” Month!!

I’m sure the God who is righteously jealous of worship and lovingly generous with His Name and inheritance just loves it.


Hey Believer, this ain’t for you. Not in any way. Regardless of who you love or are attracted to.


You have a primary identity. In Christ.



Basically, everything. Actually no, let’s be careful with our words—He has given you literally everything. Every good thing comes down from the Father above.


And the “believing” Body lines up every June to shed it ALL, every good gift, and trade it for a month of social acceptance.


You have a primary relationship. In Christ.


HE ALONE has given you HIS love, HIS friendship, HIS time, HIS life, HIS fidelity… His very hands and heart.

There is no relationship, ZERO, more valuable, satisfying, rewarding, fulfilling, or healthy than the one offered to us by Christ.


It’s understood as the very picture of marriage—sacred, safe, tender, and holy. And His Bride rolls out the red carpet and rainbow flags for another lover the entire month of June.


In our churches, on our social media, across our breast in sassy and sweet shirts… we boast the acceptance and drip with the affections of another lover.


And we call it “love.” But not love according to Scripture. Oh no, no mi amor. We act like it is love for our brother and sisters, but it’s a love that approves and encourages an eternity separated from God. That’s not love.


We are the silent smilers, who don’t love others enough to correct or speak truth and love ourselves too much to justify our own discomfort.


Who needs the devil with friends and family like us?


No where in Scripture do you find encouragement to be an ally of culture or friends with the world, over the encouragement to be a Child of God.


You have a primary form. In Christ.


You are a spiritual being, first and foremost. Not a sexual being. Sex is a facet of the diamond, not the diamond.


But we are materials girls in a material world, aren’t we? And that made us easy targets for the enemy. He is not even having to work at it. He has convinced us this fractional facet of our being is the foundation.


Y’all. Come on. Seriously. Sex? Attraction? We really want to define ourselves by those things??


I’m over 40 and have a healthy sexual relationship with my husband… AND STILL… you wanna guess how many minutes of my day go by and I thought nothing of sex, attraction, or intimacy?? I thought about groceries. A lot. I thought about time management and my family’s schedule. A lot. I thought about what feels like a desperate need for a glass of tea and a bathroom. A LOT.


You know what I didn’t think of once for the last 5 hours?? Sex. My gender identity.

The plague of my heteronormativity… thank you for that, Target. You have proven to be an endless source of good material. #blessedbethebisexuals #satanrespectspronouns We will get to those tomorrow.


You have a primary purpose. In Christ.


HE ALONE has given you a singular purpose, a mission—to glorify Him alone. He has given you HIS authority, His Spirit, His power, and His Truth to see you succeed.


You have a primary posture. In Christ.


It is lowly and humble. Your Savior does not boast in personal autonomy, identity, right, or privilege. All of which He laid down to pick up your cross and carry it. He is your model.


He alone has given HIS righteousness, HIS acceptance, HIS grace, HIS mercy, and HIS blood bought forgiveness, that we would boast in nothing else.


He couldn’t be more clear. He abhors pride. In all of its forms. Personal, financial, intellectual… why on God’s green earth and the rainbow He put above it, would sexual pride be the exception??


Our autonomy and alliances look like rebellion from His vantage point. And His is the only one that matters.

Our tolerating and celebrating things He has forbidden, in the name of “loving others,” looks like adultery.


Rest assured LOVE WINS. But not as the world sees and knows it.

Welcome to June! It’s gonna be salty. Join us next week for, “Mom Hugs Do Not Save from Sin.” Super fun.

#pridemonth #yaytruth #truthismylovelanguage


  1. Kathy Biederbeck on June 2, 2023 at 3:53 PM

    Looking forward to receiving this

  2. Debra Wagnon on June 2, 2023 at 4:29 PM

    AMEN! Thank you for addressing this issue, for putting Jesus Christ as the Perfect Model! Love you Sara!

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