One Thing Christians Can Learn from Senate Confirmation Hearings

This is not a political post. It is an observation of politics that takes no sides but can be applied to the entirety of the Body of Christ.

I am both a political writer and faith writer, thus have needed to watch and pay attention to all the things in this election cycle. From debates, town halls, interviews, and campaign speeches to the inauguration and recent senate hearings for Trump’s appointees. Needless to say, I am ready to move on to more important things–matters of faith and fidelity to Christ.


In Trump’s inauguration speech he said this, “Just a few months ago, in a beautiful Pennsylvania field, an assassin’s bullet ripped through my ear. But I felt then, and believe even more so now, that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again.”

This week, RFK Jr. said this, “The first thing I’ve done every morning for the past 20 years – is get on my knees and pray to God that He would put me in a position to end the chronic disease epidemic and to help America’s children.”

Pete Hegseth also stated that he believed God was using him for “such a time of this” to restore confidence and courage in our fighting men and women.


How does that land with you?

I don’t know the personal walks or inner thoughts of these men. I can only evaluate what is said and done by them publicly. I tend to bristle anytime anyone invokes God or piety in politics, given the history of a significant number of politicians. But I also can appreciate such bold claims. “God wants me to…God has given me a purpose to…God is using me to…” Pretty brassy.

Have you ever felt such certainty about God’s purposes or calling for your life? Have you ever felt certain enough to say it out loud? If not, why not?

The people of God should be operating in their daily lives with confidence in their purpose, confidence in their calling, and urgency in their actions. Purpose and identity are not great unknowable things. Not for the Body. We are made for His glory. We are called to do good works. We are commissioned to share the Gospel and make disciples. We are not called to wander listlessly or apathetically through life. We are not sentenced to deathbed regrets about wasted time or influence. I intend to arrive to the end of my life sold out, worn out, wishing I could have done more but confident I did as much as I could in service to my King.


I would tell you with certainty that God has put me in this place and point in history and time. I would tell you with certainty that God has uniquely equipped me and gifted me to do what salt does–clarify and season conversation, preserve and point to truth. There was no confirmation hearing for me, no messenger showed up with an invitation or outline of God’s purpose for me. But God told me in James that I can ask for wisdom and it would be given lavishly and without reproach. God has told us in His Word that He wants us to inquire of Him and He wants to tell us unsearchable things that we cannot conceive.


With new Believers, I point them to 1 John– in my mind, the Book of Certainty. Over and over, John tells us “So you will know…and then you will know…you will know this by…” God intends we have knowledge, but not just knowledge, WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING. God intends us to pursue being used by Him. God intends us to pursue being in timely places with timely words and obedient actions.

The claims in the hearings are audacious. Riskier still because once said aloud, those claims allow for accountability. What if they fail? What if they aren’t perfect in fulfilling their calling or purpose? Isn’t it better to be wiser or more shrewd…to self-preserve and avoid embarrassment? I don’t know that it is. Jesus was fairly frank with His purpose. He told his followers time and again, “I am here to do this…this is what will happen next…” We are no Messiah but He is our model and guide.

Think of Paul before us. “I must go to Rome.” Friend, pray about how God has made you, where He has placed you, and what He intends you do while there. Spend enough time on your knees and in the Word to have a clear sense of direction and urgency in getting there. Be bold enough to share that with others, not because you are arrogant but because you are confident God will indeed be faithful to complete His work in you. That’s an oath we should all consider taking.



  1. Nancy Bright on February 1, 2025 at 6:14 AM

    As usual you are so right. Thank the Lord for your ability to put it on paper. ❤️🙏

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