


Sanctified, Saltified, and Refreshingly Sane.

Greetings, from Planet Texas!


I am Sara Johnson, aka Salty Lady... I/Am/Her   #weddisexual #husbisexual (Super into the man I married.)


My husband, Andy, and I have served in churches for almost 20 years together. We have 2 teens and 3 dogs.


I was a prodigal and am the product of a good God and praying parents.  I have been sober 21 years, serving God for 20 and salty, in one form or the other, my whole life. I've done time with the cradles and the choir, missions and middle school, seniors and saints... and I love the Body of Christ, cankles and all. 


Hey Salty Lady exists to bring clarity, common sense, and a Christian worldview to cultural, political, and evangelical issues. Polity, the pulpit, and all God's sheeple--are indelibly linked for better or worse. Be wise we must, to walk humbly and just in a world that grows weary in waiting.


Bear up, Buttercup. There may indeed be dark days ahead, but you were made for them. Be bold. Be brave. Our guy wins.

Shalom Y’all!

Sara Johnson

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