Speaking of Freeloaders…

There’s a lot easier ways to make a living than this and at times (for about a minute each) we’ve considered them. But those civilian jobs just don’t come with all the benefits #lololol. Absolutely none comes with so rich a reward.


I say this with absolute sincerity. Serving Christ in obedience is absolutely the most precious and my most favorite way to be bruised and broken.


I would trade it for nothing because I still remember what and whom I was traded for.


And if I can still not convince my Jesus to come down from that cross and allow me to take the deserved place for my sin, then the least I can do is make every single day He hangs in my place count.


And Brother, that has nothing to do with working at a church.


We are not obedient because we work at a church. We work at a church because we are trying to be obedient to what God has called us to and equipped us for.


He could have just as easily called us to different and harder jobs. It’s the obedience that is the pain worth the prize—not the merely being a “priest”—which by the way, you are as well. So…. Hellooo, co-laborer!