The HSL Blog

Cultural apologetics, functional theology, everyday application, and enough salt to make you want more.

MI State Rep. Chooses Sterilization After Trump Win

Oh baby…your fears about “reproductive health” make me very much afraid for your mental health. Here is why...

The Left Loses as the Right Wins for Women in Sports

Donald Trump knocks out the left with common sense and concern for women. A winning issue if ever there were!

Politics is Giving Christians Common Ground…Or it Should Be

Are you grieving or annoyed that light is shining in dark places, that lies are being revealed by truth, or that confusion is being tamed by wisdom? Why is that? Common ground will be found when we are clear about Christ.

Why Everyone is Losing It Over the USAID

Here is why Washington is grieving the shuttering of USAID...and why it must be shuttered.

One Thing Christians Can Learn from Senate Confirmation Hearings

Bold claims have been made in Washington recently. Here is what we can learn from them...

Oh Ye of Little Cope

Sweet Selena. Here is why your teary, tiktok, tantrum is not healthy or helpful.

Why Pardoning All J6ers Was the Right Call

The innocent and guilty, the defenders and the delinquents, the curious and the questioners...all collided at the capitol. How do you justify their pardons?

Trump Moves In But Should We Move On?

We haven't just been foolish, we've been wicked. Can we move on from that without acknowledging it?

Trump Returns to Washington

Trump moves in but are we ready to move on? I'm not. Here's why...

Up in Smoke: The Illusion of Competence in Cali Destroyed in Wildfires

Wildfires in Los Angeles reveal mismanagement of resources and a lack of proper priorities, leading to scorched earth devastation for celebrities and citizens alike.

Biblical Worldview on Preferred Names

Because yes... Scripture does address this.
The Church should look and sound different from culture.

Red Flags, Rites of Passage, and Words that Might Get You Killed

Did you know that saying this word incorrectly could get you killed?

Palpatine, Presidential Pardons, and Poisoned Pill Last Minute Bills

Biden seems determined to go out with a bing, bang, boom of kerosene, ketamine, and the fire of a thousand suns. Is it even possible to immolate one's own legacy? 

You Need to Know This Today

If no one else has told you, allow me—and do receive this as the salty but loving encouragement it is intended to be. You are not enough. Here's why...

Leaves, Debris, and the Distance In-Between

Close proximity to the vine does not a branch make you. In-ness, not nearness, Friend. Come see the difference.

The Top Post of 2024 is…

It was a big year in politics, with headlines breaking every day if not every hour. Between the debate that ended a presidency, to McDonalds and trash trucks...among readers this was the saltiest post of 2024...

Happy New Year!!

Where do we get this idea that God’s plans for us include starting strong and finishing poorly?

Merry Christmas from The Salty Citizen

Merry Christmas from me to you! Here is your gift...

HSL Better Than Stuff Series: Give the Gift of Sabbath Rest

Spiritual disciplines aren’t just for grown-ups. You want wise and mature adult Believers? Start training Believers to be wise and mature when they are children.

HSL Better Than Stuff Series: Give the Gift of Fidelity

What if I told you compromise or a convenient lack of conviction may go further to secure our earthly interests, but the inconsistency it requires damages the Gospel?
christianity today nationalism trump

The Myth of the Moderate

As for the elephants in the room? There is simply no need for moderate Republicans anymore. Here is why...
christmas grief

My Best Advice for Hard and Hurting Days

Friend. Mark the occasion even when the occasion is grief, loss, or loneliness. Ask someone to do this...

Daniel Penny Not Guilty…America Not So Much

There are signs of life in the American judicial system, but improvement in brain activity remains questionable. 

HSL Better Than Stuff Series: Give the Gift of High Expectations

You can turn this thing around starting today! And you can start with high expectations, lofty goals, and faith that gives a confidence the world can't take away.

HSL Better Than Stuff Series: Give the Gift of Encouragement

This is the season of grand loving gestures and unreciprocated generosity!! (Just ask Jesus.)

Biden Pardons Another Turkey

With the most sweeping and expansive pardon ever given, Biden gives his son Hunter and himself the best "get out of jail free card" ever. Here is what you need to know...

Let Every Heart Prepare HIM Room

What is the first message of the manger?? HE will occupy as much room as you give Him.

HSL Better Than Stuff Series: Give the Gift of Crazy-Good Skills

Having trouble coming up with gift ideas for your family? Could it be because they don’t truly need anything... or because the stuff they need CAN'T BE BOUGHT?

Surviving the Holidays with Democrats

As Thanksgiving approaches, half of the country is jubilant, while the other half is in various stages of grief or panic. Here are helpful tips to survive dinners with combatants.

I’m Just Thankful to Be Alive

I am honestly still just so glad my daughter, and son before her, and I are alive. None of those things were guaranteed. 

I’m Just Thankful to Be Alive II

Time was running out and I needed a minute I did not really have, to think. 

I’m Just Thankful to Be Alive III

I shouldn’t be here. My children shouldn’t be here, not healthy and whole anyway. But we are. Because the Lord has allowed it. Best gift ever. Here is why...

Bald Heads, Sexless Beds, and the Shunning of the Liberal Left

This madness isn't in response to thoughtless bosting by the opposition. It is in response to emotional abuse by your own party. It is the completely predictable fruit of the climate of chaos cultivated by the left.

Dear Democrats…

There's a hard conversation coming, friends. I'm here for I will start it. Let's talk about the election...

And the Winner Is…

The Red Wave cometh! Who knew the "Right-Wing Extremists" would form the broadest, most diverse coalition to unite our fractured family and land?! Who knew Hitler would be so popular with minorities?! Here is the breakdown of this stunning victory.

Let Freedom Ring!

Satan is winning. As long as we are whining and worrying, he wins. 

Orange Man + Orange Vest + Trash Truck = Gold

Oh friends...the trashman cometh! And he continues to collect the rubbish of the left and turn it into the rewards of the right. Here's how Trump is turning trash into treasure...

Julia Roberts’ Anti-Woman Pro-Kamala Ad

All the talk about who says and thinks what and about whom this week...and no one is bothered or offended by the left's assumption that women need to be secretive about their vote lest their husband find out? Here's why it matters...

Rogan, Rally, Revolution! OH. MY.

Crying "Nazi" isn't the final solution for the left. Censorship and Color Revolutions seem to be next on their to-do list. Here is what I mean...

Bitter Feminists Dusting Off Pink “Cat Hats” After CNN Townhall

Don't you know calls were made after yet another disastrous public appearance by Mother Mamala? Better stock up on pink yarn, my Communista Feministas!

Evangelicals Encouraged to Kindly, Compassionately Vote for Communism

I would honestly feel cheated if we went through another election cycle and a godless, pagan culture wasn't telling me how to live more like Jesus. Here is my loving response...

Evangelicals Encouraged to Kindly and Compassionately Vote for Communists

I would honestly feel cheated if we went through another election cycle and a godless, pagan culture wasn't telling me how to live more like Jesus. Here is my loving response...

Liberal Lies, French Fries, and the Most Hated African American Alive

No matter the gloom and doom predicted, it just can't be that bad, right? Not if we had time for an entire news cycle devoted to French fries from Micky D's. Here's what I mean...

The October Surprise that Would Surprise Everyone

Sweet death. How does anyone tolerate election year Octobers without a therapist, a dealer, or a relationship with Jesus? Here is how it is shaping on the home stretch to the White House.

Kamala’s Record-Breaking Record

As Kamala touts her "tough on crime" record, remember it was so good it ended her presidential campaign in 2019...even before her home state primary, which she would have lost. Let's take a look at that record, shall we?
hurricane idalia

Encouragement for Wind, Wave, and Hurricanes

Encouragement for my Salty Friends on the coast. Praying His mercies over you.

Call Her Baddie

"Corruption, deception, and dereliction? Are we the baddies?" Yes, yes you are. Here's why...

Mayorkas Says FEMA Out of Money for Hurricane Relief

Isn't that rich? The government that throws around billions to bail out others is too light in the pockets to send buckets for their drowning kids.

Should Your Christian Student Be in Public or Private School?

Home school? Private school? Public school? I've seen what I've seen, and I can't unsee it. How do you decide what is best for your student?

Vance Takes On Tim “Lotus Toes” Walz in the VP Debate

The battle between east and west, boomer and bro. Here's everything you need to know about the VP Debate.
christianity today nationalism trump

The FBI Cannot Be Trusted

The FBI cannot be trusted to defend our country or its citizens. In fact, we must be defended against the FBI. Here's why...

A Holy Hard Pass

Why do we allow ourselves to assume the postures and positions of the guilty or condemned when such a precious price has been paid to make us free? I am so over it. Let's be done with these things...

“Peace, Peace.” When There is No Peace

"They dress the wound of My people with very little care, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace at all." In Israel or anywhere else. 

Will We See Damascus Disappear?

Here are two thoughts I keep having—1. We are seeing not just history, but perhaps Biblical prophecy unfold before our very eyes. 2. Will it matter much?

True Love Waits…for Socialism and Climate Reform

Abstain from having children to save the world from climate change, but don't abstain from having sex to save children from abortion? How does this make sense?

Turn Down for What? Why the Left Won’t Stop Dangerous Attacks on Trump

Why does the left feel it necessary to paint Trump as the supervillain and everyone else as the misunderstood vigilante?

Ohio Cats Collecting Unused Lives to Donate to Trump

Never did I dream I would be dusting off the "Trump Assassination Post" to draw from. Again. In the same decade. In the same year...or season. But here we are. How many lives does Trump have left?

We Have Forgotten 9/11 Entirely

Never forget? With all due respect, we have forgotten everything--except to post the obligatory patriotic pic on the anniversary. Here is what we have forgotten.

We Have Forgotten 9/11 Entirely

Never forget? With all due respect, we have forgotten everything--except the obligatory patriotic pic. Here is some of what we have forgotten.

Well, Hells Bells ABC

That is some brass. Y'all didn't even try to make the Trump-Harris Debate look fair. Are you dying of cancer? Is the world ending? What made retaining any shred of professional credibility unnecessary for you?
The Church should look and sound different from culture.

School Shootings and Red Flag Laws

The GA shooter triggered all kinds of red flags. Why did we ignore them?

Kamala Vows to Fix Border Wall She Broke…with Duct Tape

Not everything can be Macgyvered with twine and twig, Bubba. Sometimes it requires will power, fire power, and razor wire...don't suppose those things were in that "Amazing Border Bill?"

Because He Lives I Can Face Tomorrow…and Probably Today Too

Friend. ETERNAL hope should look like DAILY peace. Shouldn’t it? Sufficient to save = sufficient to sanctify. Sufficient in HIS death = sufficient in YOUR life.

Kamehla and Lotus Toes: The Interview

I say this as a mother in Texas...I have seen my daughter sit through tougher questioning in the pageant portion of twirling competitions. And better answers.

Kamala Harris Giving First Interview with Emotional Support Animal

Kamala Harris will finally be giving her first solo interview since becoming the nominee. And she will have a comfort coach by her side for it. I kid you not. WOOF.
Back to school, summer has ended.

Can Christians Still Teach In Minnesota? Not for Long.

These new regulations will require Christians, Jews, and Muslims to choose gainful employment over faithfulness to their religion. Here is how...

The Kennedys, Kamalot, and the Hypocrisy of Them All

Is there any demographic that still shapes its opinions and choices based on the Kennedys...outside of elite libs of the north shore or lifelong democrats who have been wearing mourning black since '63 down at The Villages?

DNC2024 Serves Up Mid Candidate Who’s as American as Apple Pie from the UK

Praise. The. Lord. It actually was worse than I thought it would be.  Heaven knows how many hundreds of millions of dollars were spent to serve up a candidate who is mid at best. Here is what I mean...

DNC Night 3: Pelosi, Policies, and Porn-Pirates

What's there to say? It's the Twilight Zone. Truly. It amazes me how little integrity or honesty is demanded from our leaders. Let's unpack it...awful as it was...

Evangelicals 4 Harris and Other Wandering Stars

Good News, everyone! We are all God's children! Aren't we?

Snip, Snip: The DNC Kicks off with Joyous Neutering, Joe, and Anti-Jewish Protestors

Ahhh, the ironic dividing lines made by radicals. Everything is getting cut in Chicago...the program, the speakers, and the vas deferens.

World Gathers to Mourn Significant Loss

Many gathered for services across the globe as a hero was laid to rest, though not nearly as many as were expected. While an investigation is on-going, here is what we know so far.

Church Gathers to Mourn Significant Loss

Many gathered for services across the globe as a hero of faith was laid to rest, though not nearly as many as were expected. While an investigation is on-going, here is what we know so far. 

Elon and Trump Break Internet with Interview that Almost Wasn’t Heard Round the World

Elon Musk and Donald Trump took to X Spaces last night for a highly anticipated and objected to interview. Find out how it went here...

Sweat, Equity, and That Time I Won Gold in the Olympics

Equity says that 100% can and should be the top 1%. That means all the me(s) can and should be all the Noahs. What an incredible time to be alive!

Go Ahead and Cry, Baby

The Man of Sorrows knew we would have sorrow and so He sent the Comforter. For those who mourn. Not the concealers, never-feelers, and nerves of steelers.

Get Thee Transformed, People.

God intended you do more than dangle in a crusty cocoon. New life awaits! Get thee transformed, people. Pronto!

Kamala Picks a VP…and He is a GIFT!

Let the fawning and flushing begin as mainstream media and the democratic party machine pretends yet another flub is a heartthrob. We have been given a gift. Here's why...

Olympic Boxing: What is Going On In the Ring and Below the Belt?

What are we even looking at? What just happened? Did we see a man and woman box or no?

An Olympic Mess: Paris, Podiums, and Pagan Picnics

Nothing offensive here, gang. Just a pagan feast that resembles a priestly communion. Let the games begin!

An Olympic Mess: Paris, Podiums, and Pagan Picnics

Nothing offensive here, gang. Just a pagan feast that resembles a priestly communion. Let the games begin!

Girl Power Ain’t Got Nothing on God’s Power

This is not a political post. It's a Biblical worldview post on a political issue...feminism.

Biden a Saint? More Like a Martyr.

This is not a somber, selfless, passing of the torch by the party people of compassion. This is “We realized we won’t win…and are okay with burning you/it all down to hang on to the illusion we still can.”

The President Has Been Shot

Is there room for everyone to be careful about their words and actions? Sure. That would be amazing. But I absolutely won't pretend responsibility should be distributed equally around the table. It should not.

On Preferred Names…

God knows feelings are fleeting, circumstances change, and bitter seasons end. God also has ultimate sovereignty and authority over our identity and purpose.

On Pronoun Hospitality and Thee/Thou/Thy Will

Pronouns ALWAYS MATTERED. This was never a small issue. Here is why...

Homophones and Homophobes

I received a very frank message from one reader who had some thoughts about a few Hey Salty Pride Month posts. The message contained a most interesting closing...

On Gender Pronouns…

It is easy to have strong positions on issues until people you love are the ones with the issue.

Happy “Full-On Rebellion and Boast in Identity Apart From Christ” Month!

Happy “Full-On Rebellion and Boast in Identity, Right, and Privilege Apart from Christ” Month!! I'm sure the God who is righteously jealous of worship and lovingly generous with His Name and inheritance just loves it. 

The Red Hands of Passover

On that first Passover, obedience to God required making homes marked and discernibly different from the rest. Doesn't it still?

The Hawkeye Cauckeye and Who Cares?

Friends, we could debrief every caucus, every town hall, and debate. It is all for naught if these two questions are not answered.

This is Still True.

I’m feeling particularly perky this morning, so I’m just gonna give this to you for free. I wrote this 7 years ago when Trump, Hillary, and Bernie were the faces of polity and thought. It is still true. The sifting is coming.   Friends, fellow political junkies and those shaking their head in disbelief at…
christianity today nationalism trump

When There is No Vision, the People Perish…and Worse

We are there. This is the cusp we are on as a party, as a people. We have no vision. We have lost the goal and thus tire ourselves running in wrong directions only to win nothing.

“Millstones! Get Your Millstones!”

Friends, the clearest and best indicator of the judgement awaiting us is our utter inability to value life or protect children. Millstones! Get your Millstones!

Boomers, Groomers, and a Little Perspective on Purity Culture

Beware the progressive voice condemning yesterday's "purity culture," if that same voice is condoning today's radical transgender culture.
christianity today nationalism trump

Sanctuary Cities Not Safe for Students…and Other Democratic Disgraces

When will we be tired enough? Embarrassed enough? Broke, frustrated, or in peril enough to do something? It can't go on forever. Eventually we will run out of food and money.

The Test of Christianity… Should Probably Include Christ.

Don't convolute a litmus test for what is Christianity with sentiment or kindness. A fruit of the Spirit, or from the Vine, is NOT THE VINE. 
christmas grief

Trump’s Christmas Message Not Very Christmasy

Why in the world would you serve up an unforced error to your opponents that causes division in your already not quite coagulating or coalescing party?

Come Let Us Adore Him!

Let there be a gap between what your soul needed and the world provided. And then, REFUSE to try to fill it with stuff.

We wish you a Merry Christmas… and a “Mary” New Year!

Given enough time and tinsel, anyone can “make merry.” But if making “Mary” is our goal for the new year, we may have some work to do.
christianity today nationalism trump

Gay Porn Filmed at the Capitol, Justifiable Terrorism, and You

There are so many things that could be said here, though few are appropriate. But I will say this because it matters to all of us...

Best. Gift. Ever.

You cannot box this up or tie it with ribbons, something so grand requires no trappings or wrappings. Just this...

CO Supreme Court Finds Democrats Are No Longer Pro-Choice

Democrats are robbing voters of their freedom to choose whom to vote for. I didn't have "Conservatives now Pro-Choice and Democrats no longer Pro-Choice" on my 2023 bingo card. Did you?

Risen with Healing in His Wings

Surely, we can offer a modicum of grace to our family, friend, co-worker, or a stranger---those who merely inconvenience and irritate---even our enemies. Here's why...
christianity today nationalism trump

Polity and the Pulpit

There is a significant voting block that is no longer predictable in its voting or convictions.   Christianity is suffering an identity crisis, but it is not because of our Christ. He is unchanging in word, nature, and deed. The groom is steadfast and steeled. It is the bride who has cold feet and finds…
Christmas star. Wise men.

Star of Wonder

The wise men weren't the only ones to see the star. They were just the ones WILLING TO FOLLOW IT.

Well, Hello Dolly! Let’s Talk About Halftime.

Did y'all catch that Dallas Cowboys game? And if you did, did y'all catch that half time performance? Here is why it's important enough to cuss and discuss...

Target Ringing in Christmas with PRIDE Propaganda

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Bankruptcy! Target still hates conservative, Christian, consumers.

Magnolia Offers New Line of Crickets at Target

Wanted to be sure and update y'all on Chip and Joanna Gaine's response to Target's recent PRIDE month controversies. Here is their thoughtful response...

Women’s Soccer Star Proves God Doesn’t Exist

God exists when circumstances are right and fair but not when they are disappointing or painful?? Nope. This isn't how it works. Here's why...
election, gop, conservative

Republicans Need to Run on Repentance

If the GOP ran on repentance they just might win. Here's why...
chicago food equity progressivism

Paper or Plastic? Communism Comes to the Aisles of Chicago

Chicago Mayor shared that the city will be working to create a municipally-owned grocery stores in their lower income neighborhoods. Tremendous. Here's why that's wicked...

Take It On the Road

Originally published: Nov 2020 I know everyone wants to talk about the gas, politics, etc. But I just don’t. I don’t have the energy for it. There are, however, several conversations I have been wanting to have over the last few days, but they didn’t seem appropriate or I didn’t want them to get lost…

The Abolition of Absolution

We are the generation dictators desired, without values enough to resist, without history enough to defend, without truth enough to reason... without conscience.

The Dangerous Man in Your House

Danger abounds, goodly citizen! Do you know it when you see it?? Find out how to spot evil in almost every corner here...

Thanksgiving Among the Walking and Living

Let the season of thanks begin! Do you remember where you were found by the Lord? Was it among the blind or lame?

Yay, Insufficiency!

Welcome, fools and failures! God knows our potential and He called us anyway. We are exactly the wrong kinda stuff He desires. And there's more good news...

There Was No Speaker in the House…and We Survived

There was no speaker in the House...and everyone did what was right in their own eyes. And they were wrong. Here's why...
halloween fear

Hey Salty Halloween! I

What to do with Halloween? Does your house go big or go dark? Total immersion or total avoidance? Why does it have to be one or the other?
halloween fear

No Fear Here II

Avoiding scary things is not the same as being brave. You understanding fear rightly, means you helping your family understand fear rightly and that changes things, forever. You ready?
halloween fear

Bullies, Battles, Bumps in the Night, and Other Things to Fear Not III

Courage will not be found in an official scroll from the Great Oz. Nor will it be found rightly in your own strength, ability, or understanding. Courage is...

Culture Warrior of the Year Nominations

What one person has done more to affect the culture in a positive direction, made more contributions to a positive discussion of the future of the country, and has had to suffer the slings and arrows of public discontent as a result of those positive contributions?

The Talking Heads, Taking Votes and Burning Down the House

If you're gonna burn it down over electing Jim Jordan as speaker, burn it all the way down. Here's why...

Israeli War Reveals Shortages in America

America's lack of moral clarity and willingness to purposefully overlook truth or walk in blatant inconsistency or hypocrisy has been on full display this last week.
israel gaza palestine terrorism

Democrats Support Terrorists…and Other Fun Facts

If this is untrue, an unfair association, then purge them from your party.  Denounce, diminish, and dismiss them. If this is not you, give back DSA money and reject their support. Here's why...

Israel at War: Observations of an Amateur

I'm no expert. I'm not a distinguished anything. But frankly---I don't know that experts can really be trusted or have much to boast about of late.

One More Time for the People in Back…and Atlanta

Last week, Andy Stanley and North Point hosted a conference for the parents of LGBTQ children, Unconditional Conference. It was the subject of much speculation and curiosity. Here is why...

THIS IS NOT A DRILL! What Fire Alarms and Fetterman Say About the State of Government

I apologize again for the tone of this article. It's blistering. I'm aware. Blistering and entirely appropriate.
kamala harris election 2024

I Hear Wedding Bells! How Kamala is the Wedded Winner for the GOP

Put the bling bling on the ring fing...Kamala is the bride we want. The wine will flow like the river of lies and already flowing out of the DNC. Find out how to get your invite here...
christianity today nationalism trump

GOP Debate Recap: Cringe, Curtains, and Quacks

Ultimately, as in all the other one wins and the people lose. Here is why...
Biden Taylor Swift Concert

President Puddin’ Pops is Getting the Kids Concert Tickets!

Just when you thought the government couldn't be more useless and feckless... Surprise! They can! Sec. 2 Row E Seat 7

The Abolition of Absolution

We are the generation dictators desired, without values enough to resist, without history enough to defend, without truth enough to reason... without conscience.

Climatology, Theology, and Idiology

We can no longer define or distinguish what theology is enough to adequately defend, honor, or allow it... much less appoint high priests.
artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Comes to Church… As Does AI

A local church in Austin, Texas was led by AI this week. Seriously. What could go wrong? Glad you asked...
Texas homecoming, teens, high school

Hard Things at Homecoming

It's homecoming in Texas! And for you coastals, yankees, and otherwise normal's a thing. And I'm not saying it's a good thing. I'm just saying, it's a thing. Sometimes it is even a God-thing. Here's how...
Oliver Anthony Christianity Today Rich Men North of Richmond

Christianity Today Triggered Over Oliver Anthony Song

CT's post is to truth and expression what the Barbie movie is to men and patriarchy...a hissy fit of self-made martyrs and saviors that no one needed. Here's why...
Oliver Anthony Christianity Today Rich Men North of Richmond

Christianity Today Triggered Over Oliver Anthony Song

Everybody loves an underdog story! Except Christianity Today. Here's how they missed the mark...
church ministry missions evangelism

900 yr-old Cathedral Installs Carnival Ride in Place of Lecturn

God help us. We elevated entertainment over worship. We thought Jesus needed a 55-foot slide to help His image. What will we think of next?

Update on Target: Hearth & Hand, and Hell in a Handbasket on Aisle 9

**Update: August 17, 2023. As it turns out people did care about Target's merchandise and Pride month partnerships. Here's the latest...

Update on Target: Hearth & Hand, and Hell in a Handbasket on Aisle 9

**Update: August 17, 2023. As it turns out people did care about Target's merchandise and Pride month partnerships. Here's the latest...
Back to school, summer has ended.

School’s Back in Session

And with fresh shoes, near flawless faces (in my eyes anyway), and an awkward wave from the car--summer has ended.
christianity today nationalism trump

“Christianity is in Crisis.” Or is it?

Former top church official warns Christianity is in 'crisis' if people think quotes from Jesus are 'liberal talking points'
The Bible is the Word of God and is perfect and true.

7 Things the Bible Does

God has never had to change a definition or regretted a word choice. He has never had to walk back one...
Parents beware of this danger to your kids.

The Greatest Danger to Children Is…

This one thing is more dangerous than cars, drugs, or guns combined. It is...

No Fear In Death

I caught the saddest story on the news today...

For The Mamas and the Papas

Monday mornin', Monday mornin' it was all I hoped it would be. But Monday mornin', Monday mornin' couldn't guarantee...

The Pump of Death

It wasn't always the Pump of Death. It actually had quite a glorious beginning going all the way back to the...

Life in the Dreamhouse…

You can get the play-by-play somewhere else, but here's my bottom line on Barbie...

Speaking of Houses…

This is not a partisan post. It is factual. It is neutral. It is teachable.  And we should never forsake an opportunity for teachable moments.

Turn It Off

Tomorrow will require a boldness, clarity, and faith that won't be in any scrum or screen. In fact, it won't be found at all apart from sacrificial truth speaking, Christ following, and spirit-led-living. 

The Guide, The Blind, and You.

Sweet, sweet Jesus— give me the courage and humility to be led well by others. Make me brave enough and strong enough to run hard in the dark.

Not As Righteous As You Think

We have bought the worlds version of Love Your Neighbor, which is See No Sin. And, when there is no sin, there is no need for a Savior.

Win Tickets to Sound of Freedom!

Win Movie Tickets to Sound of Freedom For Yourself or to Pay It Forward!

Thank You for the Crutches, Father

If you honestly can see no value in being American, you have not traveled or read enough. You have not dined with missionaries, wartime military, or martyrs near enough.
christianity today nationalism trump

Independance Day

We think our future is hung upon won wars, election cycles, and votes but we have far more than a victory or vote at our disposal.

The Ringer

I am writing to you from vacation. The first in many, many years. The first with two teenagers.  The first with extended family in tow.  And I could not be more delighted about all of it. 

Intolerant is Thy Name

Friends, if taking a stand for Christ hasn't cost you anything yet. You might be doing it wrong.

Pronoun Hospitality and Thee/Thou/Thy Will

Our insecurity has bred us to be people pleasers instead of Lord fearers and delighters. And pastors in pulpits led the charge.

The Mamas and the Papas

Celebrating dangerous, destructive, behaviors or unholy habits is not loving thy neighbor. Or child.

All Things Being Equal

Here’s another Pride Month PSA from your friendly neighborhood extremist...

Hearth & Hand, and Hell in a Handbasket on Aisle 9: A Christian’s Brand in a Corrupted Culture

Wouldn't it send a strong message if Target had to face the consequences of its duplicity with their brand partners? If only there was an established, Bible-believing, God-honoring, Target brand who could object to this trash... oh wait, there is...

Martha Stewart’s Very Revealing Swimsuit

I did not have "Address 81 year-old on Sports Illustrated Cover," on my Biblical Worldview Bingo card for 2023. But here we are.

Strike Three! LA’s Baseball Team Dodges Wisdom

Everybody ready for June and what I'm sure will be a delightful Pride Month? Everybody have their Berean helmet handy to test everything against His Word? Fantastic.

Drugs are Still Bad. Who Knew?

Apparently, the healthy and harmonious utopia promised by unrestricted, unprohibited, and encouraged drug use never materialized.

Judas Priest… and the Other Killers of Jesus

There, there. Settle. This works, trust me. Let me explain...

Judas Priest… and other Killers of Jesus Pt. 2

Remember, Judas was there for every miracle, every sermon and every prayer. How could he have seen what he saw, and not fully believed?

Judas Priest… And the Other Killers of Jesus Pt. 3

Ever been in a situation where doing what seemed like the "right" thing was directly disobedient to what God had called you to do?

A Mother’s Day Mulligan and HELLP from the Lord Pt. 1/2

What do you do when your special moments are seemingly robbed of their brilliance? Let me tell you about my first Mother's Day.

A Mother’s Day Mulligan and HELLP from the Lord Pt. 2/2

What a refining and sanctifying tool He has given us through living, longing, and loss. It's not too late for a mulligan on mothering.

Happy Mother’s and Other’s Day!

You may want to scroll right over this post. First, Happy Mother's Day! Second, I think the Holy Spirit grieves today because...

He Who Is More Than Able, Does Not Enable

You can call it whatever you want--tolerance, affirmation, acceptance. In fact, make up fancy, new words and wear them out. But I will not...

Faith That Breaks a Sweat

Faith that withstands a hostile culture does not happen by accident.

Triggered: How Satan Silences the Sheep

Why is it so important for the Enemy to convince us that we cannot dialogue on the difficult, cope with the uncomfortable, or survive any offense?

Tools: Simple Answers for Big Questions

What is the Bible? Not a rhetorical question. I’ve been in ministry twenty-plus years, you’d be surprised how Christians answer that question.

What is the Bible?

What is the Bible? Not a rhetorical question. I’ve been in ministry twenty-plus years, you’d be surprised how Christians answer that question. You’d be more surprised how many don’t answer that question and just shrug.   Is it an instruction manual, a book, daily bread, oil for a lamp, weird stories with wise sayings? It’s…

The Early Deconstruction Era

To the deconstructor who simply found life more alluring, sin more savory, or faithfulness a source of fatigue and frustration and thus denounced Christ in authenticity or authority, REPENT. To everyone else...

We Love Moms Sweepstakes!

Enter to win $2,000 to celebrate your mom!

Biblical Parenting 101: You First.

Wanna know how to raise your children according to God's will? You are either gonna hate or love this, Papa and Mamacita.

I Beg Your Pardon

This is not an indictment. This is a statement of conviction that I found myself heavy under this morning and had to repent to free myself of its weight. What are we doing, Church?

The Day After Easter

What will you do with this Risen Lord? When the songs have been sung, the dress has been worn, and nothing is left of Easter but wilting lilies and foil wrappers... what comes next?

Come Down From That Cross

Tell me you don't understand Christology or soteriology without telling me... never mind. You don't understand Jesus or salvation if you think social justice equates to Christ on the cross.

The Beautiful Gait

The Name of Christ changed my life, from heel to heart, to habits. Nothing will ever be the same, I carry the testimony of the lame— who’s now able to walk in HIS victory.

The Good Grace of Good Friday

Little did I know today, As I walked this long and dusty road; That as I hung upon a dreadful cross, I'd play a most important role...

Obedience. Aint’t it Grand?

Now, I know my stands of flowers aren't exactly Isaac on the altar and we shouldn't pretend they are. The purpose of this post is not piety or admiration, it's illustration and education.

Bullets, The Bride, and The Covenant Lost

Grieve deeply. Mourn brokenness. Speak slowly. Listen carefully. Pray fervently. Weep for the lives stolen today. AND THEN, BY GOD, WAKE UP. SPEAK UP.

Granite, Graves, and the Grace Required to Grow 3/3

The only thing that separates any of us from being the walking wounded turned walking wounders? Grace. Grace alone. 

Granite, Graves, and the Grace Required to Grieve 2/3

It wasn't until high school or college that I became aware of some of the complex layers and dynamics. I much preferred the obliviousness of childhood.

Granite, Graves, and the Grace Required to Grieve I/3

What do you say when the only true things are hard things and the things that would best be said, are not true?

Last Place Winners

Do you know why the Bible says, "My flesh and heart may fail... BUT God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever?"

The Ancient God of Current Events

Did you wonder if the God of the Bible could still captivate, activate and change the whole world at once? You should not be wondering now.

Foolish Objections, Charlie’s Chocolate Confections, and the Idiocy of Immorality

This week saw the saintly and censoring eyes of the mob turn to Roald Dahl's smutty books--like Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and BFG... obviously, very dangerous books.

Fear Not… For Real.

Believer. You are a child of the Most-High God. Pride in being so greatly affected, by so very little... has no place in your heart, mind, mouth, or habits. Build a bridge. Get thee over it.

Billy, Lottie, and the Burden of the Body

How many teenagers are we expecting, encouraging, or equipping as though they will change the entire world?

“Judge Not” Does Not Mean “Have No Discernment.”

It's a thing. You can make observations, valuations... wait for it... differentiations (isn't vocabulary fun?!) WITHOUT BEING GUILTY OF CONDEMNATION.

Cloudy with a Chance of… Coughing, Cancer, and Birth Defects?

The sky turned black in the day, fish floated in streams, animals died in their pins, crops... food... skin... tumors... Plagues in East Palestine?


Take cover! There is a functional, nuclear family ahead... complete with loving marriage between man and wife... the horror!!

Halftime’s Rihanna, Asbury’s Revival, and Our Need to Worship

The young people that we think require the lights, the look, and the loud... to encounter the LORD? Don't.

This Is Worship. Part I

This is the first of two posts on worship, multiple perspectives on one moment. HOW we worship matters to WHO we worship. Here's why...

This is Worship Leading. Part II

This is the second of two posts on worship, multiple perspectives on one moment. HOW we worship matters to WHO we worship. Here's why...

Singing, Satan, Statues Oh My!

With every song, show, and celebration the world broadcasts its depravity loud and clear. Roll out the red carpet, shine the trophies while you can. Rest assured this party ends on earth.

Spy Balloons, Bus Beatings, and Yes… the Body of Christ

You've seen this, right? What do these two things have in common and what does it mean for The Body of Christ? Everything. And everything. Here, watch this...

If Paul Saw the Church in America… We’d Get a Letter

Saw this float around a while back. Let’s clarify a point. This is true indeed. However...

Kingdom Breadlines and the Panhandling Poor

Simmer, simmer... this is not about poverty or the hungry. This is about Jehovah Jireh and His children... who sometimes live like orphans.

Be a Better Disciple Maker with These Three Words

Want a fast, easy way to be a better apologist and disciple maker? These three words make all the difference..

The Healthy You, Healthy Family Sweepstakes!

It's a new year and a new opportunity to become more healthy. This year, we've decided to help by giving away a healthy Grand Prize valued at $5,000! Enter to win here...

Alabaster Box… of Chicken Sandwiches

We tend to think the stories of the Bible are A) just stories... and B) stories that happened once a long time ago, but never again. Nay, nay weary traveler. Here's a story for you...

Faith, Fire… and Football?

Damar Hamlin, stopped and starting hearts... miracles on football fields should look like harvests in spiritual fields. What will we do with this miracle?

What Good Ideas We Are Having!

Grieve and repent. There’s not a way to reframe this narrative to make it less foolish or wicked.

Christmas Mortgage Miracle Sweepstakes!

Enter to win mortgage payments for all of 2023! You can enter once per day and earn bonus entries!

Know Your Stuff.

***This is a perspective post, not a political post. This is Kayleigh McEnany’s binder for daily briefings. And, really that should be understood to be this is the culled down, portable version that represents countless volumes of information and hours of preparation… for every single day.   So… being prepared to give an answer for…

Why Abortion Isn’t Driving Voters to the Polls… (or Pools)

Grab the vapors and recline if you need to but do let it wash over you, we have actually identified the cause of pregnancy.

Bless the Patriarchy

The idea that patriarchy is inherently bad and must be leveled is a lie from the enemy, intended to destabilize society, deconstruct the family and diminish men.

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall… Libs of TikTok is Exposing All

No entrapment or coercion, just curating the liberal lunacy of the left. Brilliant. Now it's still basically the same but with security and attorneys.
Halloween, October, fear

The HSL Guide to Halloween II

You, Believer, can equip others with hope and courage in the form of answers, truth, and scripts that can encourage today and empower tomorrow, whatever battle tomorrow brings. 
Halloween, October, fear

The HSL Guide to Halloween: No Fear Here

What to do with Halloween? Does your house go big or go dark? I'm not a fan of Halloween but something scares me even more. Missed opportunities while my kids are still at home.

Crooks, Crowns, and the Libbish Empire

This week was peak royal… self-unaware, self-absorbed, a smidge snobby... and that’s stateside royals, not even the ones with actual crowns across the pond.

Socialism is Great… on Paper!

Socialism would be outstanding in a society free of greed, sloth or sin. In other words, a society of plants. But certainly not sinful man

Mums the Word on Dignity and Reverance

Say what you want about the Queen--but honor, tradition, dignity, and majesty are good and noble things for society.

Christ, Cactus, and College Football

The rest of the world may be unconcerned but there is a prickly situation in Texas, between TCU and Texas Tech. Christ, Cactus, and College Football. Trust me.

Your Majesty

Respect the reverence, the pomp, and pageantry. Then remember--your King, though once buried, lives again.

Little Demon. Big Problem.

You can read exhaustive thoughts on Disney's show Little Demon, but not here. This will just take a minute anyhow.

Rise, Shine, and Give God the Glory, Glory!

For too long we’ve let a broken world determine what it is to be blessed, the Lord sees it much differently.
christianity today nationalism trump

Forgiving a Debt Doesn’t Make You Jesus

If I had fireworks, I’d light em! Two of my favorite things happening right now… when people who reject my God, His Word, His Son, His Spirit and His authority— try to co-opt that which they routinely mock, to give validity and credibility to sophomoric ideas… and in some way pressure Christians, who they routinely…

The Danger of Social Justice

Same dust, same ashes. Same shed blood covers us, same blood spills out of us. And those are the only colors that should concern us. We start in darkness, we have been offered ruby red redemption and we will end, in either eternal darkness or light. We should at least consider how the enemy has…

That’s Racist: Public Schools to Fire White Teachers First

Seriously. This is actual racism and not the kind that is embedded or systemic, unintentional or unfelt. This is not the kind that you are guilty of by virtue of existence or skin color. This is not even the kind that wasn’t last year but is this year… because triggers or terms are changing daily,…

There’s a Reason Everyone Loved Top Gun 2

There’s a reason everyone loves Top Gun Maverick… aside from the nostalgia for us “seasoned” folks, aside from the G’s, Mach 10, and dogfight (hellooo football) scene… it will make hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars for this reason: It was JUST entertainment. It didn’t make you feel like garbage about your country, your…

Ain’t Identity Politics Grand?

My favorite thing is when we assign good intentions, moral authority, and integrity based on gender… alone. Especially, when we’ve been told gender is just an imagined, social construct anyway. We live in a time of actual misandry, contempt and prejudice against men, though you wouldn’t know it with everyone screaming “Misogynist!” at every “peeing…

I’m a trained Marxist. -BLM

When someone says “We are trained Marxists.” You need to sit up and take notice. Do you know what that means??   Pointing out self-avowed Marxism isn’t to detract from the reality of racism. It’s not a distraction. It’s not a strategy to blame shift or avoid justice. It IS to sound the alarm, that…

7 Habits of Highly Humble People

What if the habits you are trying to maintain are the exact ones He intends to change? If the Lord intended us to go on as we were… He would allow us to go on as we were. But, oh no sir! He obviously intends we be thoroughly changed. Zero areas have been left in…

The Letting Go

If the Lord wills…. These words said by some of the bravest, closest followers of Christ. Paul and James…men so confident in what they saw and KNEW, that they would leave lives they knew for deaths they didn’t. Men of conviction and clarity. These are the men who ultimately and humbly acknowledged… only the Lord…

The Finisher

This is my girl, Much Afraid. You can see it on her precious face. Scared to the point of tears. That instant where your flesh begs to be bowed to, in relief or rescue. This is that. As, her Mama… I could tell she wanted to bolt and not in the same direction as the…

The God of the Bible

Did you wonder if the God of the Bible could still captivate, activate and change the whole world at once? You should not be wondering now. Do you think COVID was outside of His will or awareness?   Ask Pharaoh. Ask kings and presidents how in charge they felt when The Ruler chose to reign…

Don’t Say Nothing About Nothing

You can’t say anything… you’re not from here. You can’t say anything… you’re a man. You can’t say anything… you’re a woman. You can’t say anything… you’re the wrong color. You can’t say anything… you’re no one. You can’t say anything… you’re someone. You can’t say anything… you are privileged. You can’t say anything… you’re…

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