Fear Not… For Real.
Fear IS NOT a virtue.
Quit boasting in it.
“I’m trembling…” “It gives me chills…” “This is trauma…” I. AM. SHOOK. Oh my word, y’all. Staaahp. Let me just roll my eyes back to my elbows.
We have adopted the language of fear over things we should NOT fear.
Words. Ideas. Man. Possibilities. Temporal inconvenience, people! Being referred to by the wrong name is not violence. Operating within the boundaries of your workplace is not the same as forced labor in a gulag.
We have so childishly elevated struggle of any kind to such undue and undeserved heights… and then we boast in it. We boast in our immaturity. We boast in our inability to see rightly. We boast in our cowardice… when we boast in our fear. What would TikTok be if adults stopped recording themselves melting down over their “struggles?” Your job, school, situation, life, etc., is so bad you can no longer cope? But you can find a quiet place with good lighting and minimal background noise to record your hysterics? We can hardly rant about fragile children when the adults have taken to hysterics over challenges the “Greatest Generation” would have called “Life.”
Believer. You are a child of the Most High God. Pride in being so greatly affected, by so very little… has no place in your heart, mind, mouth, or habits.
Fear is not your native tongue. And if we want to speak in the terms our cowardly culture understands… When we, who know the Living God, wrap ourselves in frailty and fear… we are culturally appropriating the unique words and ways of The Lost. Full stop. How very insensitive. Diversity with dignity, my people… Ugh. Whatever.
When God is great, your fear is not. Done. You don’t need a paragraph explainer. If you know God, you can trust God. If you don’t trust God… you don’t truly know or you don’t truly believe what you think you know.
It’s that simple. God IS GREAT. His greatness, power, and supremacy over all has already been decided, declared, and demonstrated. AND HE HAS PROMISED TO BE WITH YOU, PROTECT, AND PRESERVE YOU. Why would you not walk in, what most definitely IS TRUE?
Fear the Lord. Period. Boast in His great care. Boast in His Great Name. Boast in His great works. Boast in HIS STRENGTH in your weakness, if you want. Boast in nothing else. We have grown so accustomed to making much of ourselves, that we think even our fear, insecurity, and flat yellow-bellied cowardice is worthy of glory. This is not strength in transparency. This is attempting to wail, waller’, and holler your way to notoriety.
Hey… You.
- There will be trials, you have an Advocate.
- There will be testing, you have a Teacher.
- There will be troubles, you have a Comforter.
- There will be lack, you have a Provider.
- There will be enemies, you have a Defender.
- There will be attacks, you have a Shield. And not just a shield. The SHIELD, The ARMOR, The ARMY, The AMMO. You are strapped, Kid. Lock and load, Baby!
Get up. Stand up. #comeonthrowyourhandsup… or not. You may not be a child of the 90’s. Either way… LOOK UP. Your Help comes from above, not the sympathy, views, likes, or bumps of others. See how fun truth is? God cares deeply about suffering. But he is not amused with slander. And that is what we do when we all ourselves His own and then act like He can offer nothing to His children.
Fear is not a virtue. Not for you, Believer. Build a bridge. Get thee over it.
#nothingtoobjecttoherepeeps #itsalltrue #youmayindeedbespecial #HeIsStillGod