HSL Better Than Stuff Series: Give the Gift of Sabbath Rest

Spiritual disciplines aren’t just for grown-ups. You want wise and mature adult Believers? Start training Believers to be wise and mature when they are children.


Sabbath is setting aside one day for rest and worship. God modeled it in the creation calendar, He instituted it as a discipline for the health, wellbeing, and protection of His people in the wilderness, He commanded it of His people in the 10 Commandments. Sooo… yeah. It’s a big deal.


Think about the Day of Rest in Creation. It has intentionality. Just as the other days had their tasks and work, just as the other days reflected His wisdom and order… so does Day 7. The Sabbath. That IS your work for the day. Friend, it requires effort, planning, and restraint to prioritize worship. It requires eliminating other things, passing on other opportunities, being organized enough Days 1-6 to make Day 7 what it should be.


Why does He COMMAND this of us? And friend, it IS A COMMAND. In Bible class, we have drilled home the point that “shall” does not mean “should” in Scripture. It means WILL.


“Remember the Sabbath day by KEEPING IT HOLY (set apart, distinctly for His glory.) Six days YOU WILL labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath TO THE Lord your God. On it YOU SHALL NOT do any work…” Wait for it. There’s more we often overlook. “…neither you, NOR YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals…” Exodus 20:8-10


Hey Salty Lady, you being off a day of work but driving all over for a child’s sport instead of faithfully assembling with the BODY… is not Sabbath. They are children. You are the adult. Your home, your family, and your family’s schedule DO NOT BOW to them. You are not oppressed or helpless, and without choice. You rule and reign in this kingdom. Be good kings and queens and help your family value rest and worship.



Again, why does He give Sabbath for His children?

Because He is a good Creator and this is good for His creation.

Because He is a good King and this is good for His subjects.

Because He is a good Father and this is good for His children.

Because He is a good Giver and this is a good gift to those in need.

Because He is a good Judge and this best equips for righteousness.


How? Because it forces our achieving, advancing, motivated, driven, flesh TO BOW… for 24 hours. He commands us to do the thing that is best for us— SEE HIM RIGHTLY IN AUTHORITY and SEE OURSELVES RIGHTLY IN SUBMISSION. And in doing so, we get to pause to reflect on His goodness, His faithfulness, and His glory. We GET TO gather with the Beloved Bride of Christ and worship our Lord, serve Him and His people, be further equipped and cleansed by His Word, and be encouraged in community. Sabbath is a gift He gives to us every day that we sometimes unwrap on Sundays. And sometimes not at all.


Give your family the gift of SABBATH REST. They will not do, as adults, what they did not see you do when they were children. Friend, the world they are walking into will require such spiritual disciplines, lest they be devoured.