Best. Gift. Ever.
Happy Countdown to Christmas, Friends!
Let’s adjust our expectations before the wild rumpus begins.
Your worth, validation, purpose, or sum total of your loved one’s affections are not going to be found under any tree.
Depending on the age and gift-giving acumen of your tribe, you will find thoughtful gestures, met needs, the occasional show stopper, and some random stuff… because trying to express love through “stuff” can be hard and overwhelming (because it can’t be done).
Friend, even a Cadillac in the drive with a bow (who does that anyway?) would fall short in conveying this truth—
You have been fearfully, wonderfully, and creatively made ON PURPOSE by the God of the universe, who could have made anything (see platypus) and HE CHOSE to make you.
He chose to put you in the world in this exact time because you bring a necessary and unique influence, perspective, to others. You don’t get to argue about this either, He said it. It is true. Period.
He has already given you purpose, potential, and promise.
He has already equipped you for good works and given you everything needed for life and Godliness through His Word.
He has given you a Savior, Redeemer, and Friend. He has given you a Shield, Defender, and access to every resource or weapon Heaven can offer because you are His child.
He has already given you a Comforter, Helper, and Guide.
HE HAS GIVEN YOU HIMSELF— the very best that could ever be offered to anyone, given generously and sacrificially.
You cannot box that up or tie it with ribbons, something so grand requires no trappings or wrappings.
Just receive Him gladly… and don’t discard His good gifts with the torn paper and soon forgotten things at the end of HIS day.
#advent2023 #advent